Wednesday, October 23, 2013

facebook: ugh.

Damn Facebook.

I need to take a break.

I periodically deactivate my account, but always sneak back on. Or I have my husband change my password, but then convince him to tell it to me. Just so I can see what’s new. What’s going on. I have realized that my motive is actually not so innocent; rather, it is quite self-detrimental. Whose husband did the sweetest thing today? Whose family portraits are to-die-for amazing? Did Niko’s ex-girlfriend get more “likes” on a recent post than I did? I know. Believe me, I know. I am hearing myself as I write this. How trivial. Stop it. Just stop it. Who cares? Walk away. It’s juuuuuust Facebook.

I WILL stop logging on. That, or I will change my mindset. I will recognize that real life is more important. True friends and actual phone calls, face-to-face interaction is more important. Comparisons will be my demise. Don’t let it be my demise. Take the higher road. Be happy with where I am and what I have. I am happy anyway…so why bring in the comparison game, and make me unhappy? Why do that? It is so not worth it.

I will stop comparing myself to other people. In real life too, but right now I am just going to focus on Facebook.

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